The IWW Dublin Branch has welcomed a recent victory by a Fellow Worker in the city after a member made us aware that they had been a victim of wage theft.
The Fellow Worker in question had left a job in a Dublin factory and on receiving their final pay packet, noticed that it was €175 less than they had expected.
One of our newly trained IWW representatives emailed the employer and received no response. A second attempt was made and still the employer attempted to stonewall the union. Finally, after receiving notification of our intention to escalate the situation by mobilising our members - the employer gave in and admitted they had failed to pay our Fellow Worker for the hours they had worked on their departure from that workplace.
This is a great win as not only did we force an employer to engage with our demands despite their efforts to ignore the union, we also secured our Fellow Worker’s rightful wages in the middle of a Cost of Living Crisis. In addition to this, our newly trained reps got a chance to put their new knowledge into practice and were rewarded for their efforts with a resounding victory.
The IWW Dublin Branch will be running a Rep training specifically for Fellow Worker’s in the 26 counties, this coming September and further details are available from the following email address: