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  • Writer's pictureIWW Ireland

Housing Rights: Magee University Campus Expansion

The Industrial Workers of the World have call upon residents close to or near Magee University to organise independently if they want "to challenge the system of HMO's and greedy landlords."

Following a series of community based meetings highlighting the proposed rapid extension to the Magee Campus, a spokesperson for the IWW Derry Branch said

"During the series of talks, which included political representatives, local residents spoke of their concerns regarding a rapid increase in the local population surrounding the university. What was clear was that the community itself did not oppose the University expansion, however they did raise serious concerns over the growth in HMO's (Houses of Multiple Occupancy) and the impact greedy landlords will have upon the community itself.

"What's for sure is that residents will not tolerate their communities being destroyed, as we've seen in parts of Belfast. What is for sure, is that neither the politicians, the landlords, or the University will look after the interests or concerns of the residents. This has been proven time and again elsewhere. Only the residents themselves can ensure their own independent voice is heard and that their concerns are met. This means that residents must form community associations now, free from the clutches of political representatives, and work independently. If we want to ensure that communities are not lost or destroyed by greedy landlords, property speculation, and HMO's then this will have to be led by independent community associations.

"It's also worth noting the important work by Community Action Tenants Union (CATU) in recent times. Their work as a grassroots tenant union locally and nationally has proven instrumental in ensuring an effective voice around the issue of housing. We would welcome their participation around the expansion of the university campus and reiterate the need for residents to become effectively organised as we move forward."

For further information on CATU Ireland



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