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  • Writer's pictureIWW Ireland

IWW Then & Now Tour begins in Dublin

On the 10th of November, the Industrial Workers of the World in Dublin will be begin a series of public events around the country as part of the Then & Now Tour. The events will be a public presentation and discussion as part of a nationwide speaking tour looking at the IWW both Then and Now. The meeting will include a history of the IWW and an update on the ongoing process of establishing the Ireland section with prominent union activists. The evening will include a free social event with workers ballads, vegetarian/vegan and an opportunity for those interested engage directly with active members and union organisers.


A spokesperson for the said "IWW is a revolutionary international union that fights for better conditions today as well as economic democracy tomorrow. By training our members in powerful organising methods, direct-action and direct-democracy, we put power in the hands of workers. We believe that ordinary working class people are best placed to lead and create change, both at work and in society. We put our members in charge, training each and every one to build and lead their workplace unions, organise their own campaigns and take the action that wins. We’re an active and fighting union not an historical group. We know solidarity is strength, and we prove it by looking after each other.

"We provide advice and workplace representation when members have problems at work, but we’re much more than that. We’re not here to provide a service; we’re here to build a movement, winning bigger and better victories for working people as our movement grows in strength and confidence."

Originally formed in 1905, the IWW has a rich and proud history, organising workers into revolutionary ‘industrial unions’ along the supply chain of their industry. This form of union organisation provides workers with the maximum clout in any dispute with employers. When workers in one section of an industry have an issue, their fellow workers along the supply chain can take action to support them, having maximum impact on the running of that industry and hitting the employer where it hurts. This is the basis of our slogan, “an injury to one is an injury to all”.

Join us for a fun evening of food and music with our radical grassroots movement. We will have a fascinating talk on the history and vision of the Industrial Workers of the World, from its revolutionary beginnings in the USA over a hundred years ago, to how we became more than just a trade union, to how we operate in Ireland today. Learn what makes the IWW different and how our unique approach gets the goods!

After hearing the story, stay for food, music and lively discussion with our members.

IWW Ireland believes we can build a better future - at work and in society. We believe in sticking together and having each other’s back. We believe that when ordinary people come together, we can make real change for the better.

Dublin Facebook Event Pages HERE

Over the next few months IWW Ireland will host a series of talks in a number of towns and cities throughout the country as part of our local organising efforts.

Join the IWW today! For more details click on:

To help organise in your area email:



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