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  • Writer's pictureIWW Ireland

International Solidarity with Fast-food Workers

The Industrial Workers of the World in Ireland extend our love and solidarity with fast-food workers across North America who have begun strike action at McDonald's fast food outlets as part of their campaign for $15 minimum wage and to demand that multinational corporations such as McDonald's, ensure all workers have safe workplaces.

A spokesperson for the IWW commented as today's widespread industrial action commenced stating: "Today the IWW extend our love and solidarity with all fast food worker's who are continuing to raise their voices by demanding a $15 per hour minimum wage. This is in fact the bare minimum for every worker at every company across the country actually needs to make ends meet and support themselves and their families.

"As an international revolutionary union, we echo the calls made by fast-food workers today as they need companies such as McDonald's to immediately respect all workers. Workers are also demanding to be fully protected at work and to ensure they are paid the wages they rightly deserve as they take part in nationwide strike action."

For more on the campaign click here

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